Any personal information that you supply to Mind Wellbeing will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Mind Wellbeing's registration number with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is ZB605024.
When you register with Mind Wellbeing we request personal information about you such as your name, email address and GP details. We also ask for a contact number for emergencies or if we encounter a technological problem with the website or internet and we can contact you in no other way. The information you provide is either electronically stored in a secure database, accessible only by a password protected, standalone computer, or in paper form, when it will be locked in a safe place that is only accessible by your counsellor. Your data will only be kept for the required legal period.
We will not pass on any information about you to any third party or anyone outside Mind Wellbeing's Counselling service without your express permission, apart from in exceptional circumstances where there appears to be a serious risk to your own or another's safety. It is likely that your conversations and/or messages will contain private and sensitive material that is not intended for widespread dissemination. You therefore agree not to publicise the content of your therapy in either paper or electronic form, such as through social networking sites. If you choose to do this, it will be at your own personal risk.
Confidentiality may be compromised if you are using a computer or access device such as an iPad or phone in a work or public place like a library or Internet café. It is your responsibility to ensure that that you are in a safe environment that is suitable for online counselling. We ask you to refrain from using abusive language, we understand the odd word may be used in context, though if it is directed at a counsellor or other staff at Mind Wellbeing we reserve the right to remove your access to the service.